Aero Pets can assist with pet transport requirements to send your dog to Thailand
When you want to transport your dog to Thailand here is a set of rules and regulations that need to be adhered to. The rules and regulations include a set of necessary documents and certificates, vaccinations and containers.Should you need any help or more information you are welcome to give as a call, we will gladly assist you in this matter.
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Dogs entering Thailand must be vaccinated against canine distemper, canine hepatitis and canine parvovirus. These vaccinations must be administered at least 21 days prior to departure. Your dog will also need to be vaccinated against leptospirosis within 21 days of departure OR have to undergo a blood test for leptospirosis within 30 days prior to departure.A single vaccination is acceptable but it is advised that your dog complete a full course of the vaccine as stated by the manufacturer.Should you require any assistance with finding a Vet to perform the Vaccinations please let us know.
Import Permit
Dogs travelling to Thailand from New Zealand must have an import permit.Which can be applied for through the Department of Livestock Development Suvamabhumi Airport Animal Quarantine Station.
Ph: +66 2134 0731
Fax: +66 2134 0635
Email: qsap_bkk@dld.go.th
Pets travelling to Thailand from New Zealand must be micro chipped.Your local Vet can arrange the microchip for you.
We will arrange for the MPI Certificate and AWEC (Animal Welfare Export Certificate) to be issued required by the authorities in Thailand. The approved veterinarian that issues the Certificates will also perform an examination to ensure that your dog is free of parasites like such as worms, ticks and fleas and that he/she is healthy and fit to fly. It is advisable to treat your dog for parasites within a couple of days of the examination so that you can be sure your pet is parasite free when the Vet performs the inspection. If you require any help or additional information about the Certification you are welcome to contact us.
We can supply you with an IATA compliant cage, if however you choose to supply your own cage we are more than happy to assist you in making your selection.The container must have enough space for your dog to stand, sit and lie in and will not hurt him/her with any sharp surfaces. If you need help in finding a suitable container or more information regarding the container regulations you are welcome to contact us.
Additional information
Transport to Thailand can only take place at designated intermediary airports. Your dog will not be allowed to have contact with any other animals after he/she has landed on one of the intermediary airports. After arrival in Thailand your dog may be subjected to quarantine at approved premises. You are liable for all the costs incurred while your dog is in quarantine. Quarantine does not usually apply to pets coming from NZ that arrive healthy and with the correct documentation.
New Zealand aviation rules require that pet transport be managed by a pet transport company. This rule is set out to help you with the complicated Certification and examination process that have to be followed before departure. We will assist you with all the certificates and other needed documentation. You can sit back and enjoy your flight, while we ensure that your dog goes trough check in with all the required documents accompanying him/her.