Pet Transport to the UK
Moving your pet to UK can involve a lot of paperwork that we have the experience to help you with. Using Aero Pets will make the whole process a lot simpler and easier on your pet. We are certified, with over 10 years service! Please read some of our reviews below!
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Hi Brenda,
See attached photo, Bud arrived safely in Edinburgh and is now at present exploring my brothers garden. Thanks again for making Bud’s passage to this new life in Scotland stressless for both Bud and Morag and I.
(Bud: Auckland, NZ to Scotland, UK) July 2018

Well after almost two days of travelling from NZ our little Koda is here in the UK with us. We did have a 6 hour wait at Heathrow for him but the whole process was smooth and Koda is fabulous and doesn’t seem any worse for wear! Thank you for easing our worries and helping us through the whole process. Would highly recommend Aeropets. We’re so happy to have our little fluff ball back with us, and he’s still using his crate as his bed!!
Many Thanks
Charlotte, Nick, Theo and Koda (Koda: Auckland, NZ to the UK) – May 2018

Hi Brenda
Molly arrived safe and sound and is enjoying walks in the English countryside with her new friend Charley. Thanks so much with your help to get her here. The smile on my partners face was most definitely worth it.
(Molly: Auckland, NZ – UK) Feb 2018

Been watching Thomas’s plane’s.. He’s just about to take off from Doha
Thank you again for making this such an easy process.
(Thomas: Auckland, NZ – UK) March 2018
Hi Brenda,
Just thought i would drop you a note to thank you for all your help!
Picked up Tam Friday and he was very glad to see us, he’s settling in very well to the new place. Turns out after all that we didn’t have to pay any VAT, just the release fee so that was a pleasant surprise!
Here’s a photo of him riding shotgun back to Edinburgh from Glasgow 🙂
Cheers again
Steven (Tam: Auckland, NZ – Scotland, UK) April 2017
Hi Brenda
Thank you for all your help with getting Millie over here. Here’s a snap attached.
Happy, full of beans, very thirsty but apart from that all good!!
(Caroline – Millie: Auckland, NZ to UK)

(Alfie – Auckland, NZ – Manchester, UK)
Finally got two gorgeous little cats home tonight at 8.45pm…..They’re currently exploring the house from top to bottom and chirruping away merrily.
Thank you, I’ve missed them so much and it’s just wonderful to have them here with me at long last.
Warmest wishes
Susannah (Freja & Gepetto – Cats: Auckland, NZ – Scotland, UK)
She’s home!Thanks so much for all your help 🙂
Catherine (Mille – Domestic Cat: Auckland, NZ – Glasgow, UK)
It’s nearly a month now that Purrl and I have been in the UK. She has settled in well although does like sleeping in the wardrobe! The Feliway diffuser has helped and she has been spending more time in the lounge especially it seems, now that I have a TV!
The process through Heathrow was remarkably fast and Jim from Jalsa was fantastic to deal with… even going so far as to show us to a local pub for lunch, while we waited for Purrl.
Thank you Monique for your wonderful service. You were just marvellous to deal with at such a stressful time and you made the process that much easier. I really cannot thank you enough or speak highly enough of your service. You truly are a star… patient and genuinely caring.
I am more than happy for you to use these words on your website.
Jennie Hill (Purrl – Domestic Short Hair: Auckland, NZ – London Heathrow, UK)

Bailey sends his thanks for your care
Apologies for the delay getting in touch, things have been crazy since we arrived home. Bailey arrived safe and well. There was a long wait at Heathrow as they were exceptionally busy but it was worth it when she came running out to greet us. She seems to have adapted to her new home really well and is loving all the new smells and walks.We cannot thank you enough for what you did to help us catch out flight and for looking after Bailey so well and keeping us updated. We would highly recommend the company to anyone who is relocating their pet. We have put sim money into the account to cover your fuel costs and Bailey has sent a little thank you which should arrive in the next week.
Thanks again Monique, for going above and beyond.
Julie and Paul (Bailey – Spoodle: Auckland, NZ – London Heathrow, UK)
Mouse is a picture of health and is very loving towards us! No issues all quick and easy at Heathrow.Thank you again and we are all settled into England.
Suzy and family (Mouse – Domestic Cat: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Jake arrived absolutely fine, he came bounding out and was straight into sniffing his new environment! Was quite sleepy last night and chose to go into his crate to sleep! He’s been playing hard out with his cousin all day and it’s like nothing has phased him at all!Thank you again for all your help and support with him. I’m so happy he’s just taken the whole thing in his stride!
Thank you
Laura and Jake 🙂
Laura (Jake – Labrador Cross: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)

Ashely & Dave Stewart (Luna – Fox Terrier: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
We have been reunited with Pip and she is fine..Thank you so much for your assistance.
Kerry (Pippa – Chihuahua/Terrier: NZ to London Heathrow, UK)

Kevin n Sandra Smallcombe (Dolly – Shih Tzu / Bichon Frise: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Sweep arrived safe and sound. He was a good lad and hadn’t made a mess of his crate. He has settled in really well.I really appreciate your assistance with getting him home during this stressful time of mine. I was incredibly happy with the service you provided and am really grateful.
I have attached a couple of photos my mum just sent that suggest he has made himself very much at home and is being thoroughly spoilt 😉
Stephanie (Sweep – Huntaway/Beardie: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)

Beth (Roxy – Hungarian Vizsla / Staffordshire Terrier: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)

Jemma (Lolly – Labradoodle: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)

Doug and Marion Kerr (Scarlett – Cat transport from Auckland, NZ to Scotland, UK)
We all arrived safe and sound, the kids were very happy and none the worse for wear. They were so curious about their surroundings at the Manchester pick up point they didn’t even notice us staring at them. They have settled into their new home really well and rather quickly – Shaun is adjusting well to them too. 😀
Mina is loving exploring the woods next door and so far hasn’t encountered anything too scary. Shaun has put in a couple of cat doors for her, so we just need to get her used to them again. I’ve attached a couple of photo’s of the big kids – the couches were not intentionally put in their for their use, but it appears they have taken them over. I wasn’t expecting Cru to use one, but he does.
I’ll leave you to your no doubt busy week. I hope you, your partner and fur kids are well.
Thank you so much for all your help, you made everything so easy for me.
Aileen Semple (Gaige & Cru – Rotweillers: Auckland, NZ to Manchester, UK)

Mark and Mags Purdie (Tui – Cocker Spaniel: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Glad you received the payment ok, thanks for letting me know.Ted has arrived safe and sound -rather jet lagged and bemused in his new surroundings but making himself at home and adapting really quite quickly! After all it was one heck of a journey from New Zealand, the temperture difference alone is enough to confuse him – we had freezing fog on the drive back from Heathrow and temperatures of -6C last night!!
It’s so lovely to see him, he was so excited at the pick up centre and crying and kissing both me and Steve!! I couldn’t believe how skinny he was, he’s always been trim but weighed 42Kg when I left 5 months ago now he’s about 37kg!! He’s scoffed a big bowl of food and loads of water last night so with a bit of extra tucker I’m sure I can get some meat on those sticky out bones again.- life on the farm must have been full on!!No matter the cost it was worth it, just to have my family back together again! He’s not traumatised or unwell after the experience at all. It must be down to your care and attention. Thank you so much! It has been a pleasure to deal with you, very professional and efficient at communication whilst retaining that all important personal touch. I felt sure that everything would go well with you looking after it!
Thank you so very much!
I’ve attached a picture of me and my boy for your rogue’s gallery!
Best wishes for Christmas and I wish your business goes from strength to strength!
Mandy Morgan and Ted! (Ted – German Shepherd: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Hi Brenda,
Thank-you for taking care of our most prized possessions….they made it safely, a little shell shocked but are now curled up fast asleep.
Thank-you again, your kind care was much appreciated.
Clare and Jay (Pip and Pru: Auckland, NZ – UK) Sept 2017
Just wanted to let you know Bramble has arrived safely into London.
Thank you very much for all your help, you have provided us with an amazing level of help and service.
Hopefully we will not need to move another pet to the UK, but will definitely recommend you to anyone who is moving.
Stu (Bramble – Labrador / Huntaway: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Alicia (Feliks – Domestic Cat: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Nikki (Pepe – Maltese: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Brittany Newell (Luna – Labrador Cross & Keisha – German Shepherd: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
The cats arrived safely in London and we have driven them home to Ireland. They didn’t seem too bothered at all!We have been delighted with your service, especially your quick, friendly communication. Thank you so much for all of your help and for getting them cats safely home to us.
Tara (Vega, Naoise, Pixie and Pico Tiogar – 4 Domestic Cats: NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Val (Scoobey & Flash – Domestic Cats: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Sam & Elise (Neo – Domestic Short Hair Cat: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Scott and Jazz (Mylo – Rottweiler: Auckalnd, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Vicki (Bailey – Labrador and Stella – Tonkinese: Auckland, NZ to London Heathrow, UK)
Laura Beasley – Gus (DSH) Te Awamutu, NZ to London Heathrow, UK